Qing Li

Job title: 
Board Member (2017-2021)

Qing Li is Associate Dean of the Information School at Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE). He is a professor at SWUFE and an adjunct professor at the University of Arizona. Prior to that, he worked at the Eller Business School at the University of Arizona, the Computer Department of Arizona State University, and the Information School at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). Li’s research interests lie primarily in financial intelligence: advanced intelligent information processing techniques to solve the challenges in finance. He has served on the editorial board of Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Journal of Database Management, and Journal of Global Information Management, and the program committees or co-chairs of various international conferences including PACIS, SIGIR, CIKM, ACL. He is also the co-founder of HealthDirect, a one-hour fresh food delivery e-platform (www.kuaijiankang.com).
