Markus Pelger

Job title: 
Affiliated Researcher

Markus Pelger is a Ph.D. candidate in Economics at UC Berkeley. His research interests span several topics, including credit risk modeling, executive compensation, network economics and financial econometrics. His most recent paper explores the use of credit default swaps as a conversion trigger for contingent convertible bonds in a model with jumps.

For his work at Berkeley, he has received the Eliot J. Swan Prize, the INET Economic History Price and the Outstanding GSI Teaching Award. He has been Teaching Assistant for graduate and undergraduate courses in Econometrics and Finance. Among his fellowships are the German National Merit Foundation Scholarship, the Fulbright Scholarship, the German Academic Exchange Service Scholarship and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation Fellowship.

He holds a Diplom in Mathematics (with distinction) and a Diplom in Economics (with distinction) from the University of Bonn.


An Chen; Markus Pelger
2013 Working Papers, 2013
Markus Pelger; Nan Chen; Paul Glasserman; Behzad Nouri
2013 Working Papers, 2013
Markus Pelger; An Chen; Klaus Sandmann
2010 Working Papers, 2010