Alexander Shkolnik, CRMR Postdoctoral Scholar, to give contributed session at the International Conference on Monte Carlo Methods and Applications

Alexander Shkolnik, CRMR Postdoctoral Scholar, to give contributed session at the MCM 2017 International Conference on Monte Carlo Methods and Applications Session title: Compactness Approaches for Importance Sampling From the conference website: "Nine invited plenary speakers will give one-hour talks, with discussion. All other talks will last 30 minutes including questions and discussion. They will be split into sessions of 3 or 4 talks. Some special sessions devoted to a particular topic will be organized by designated or volunteer chairpersons. To promote true exchanges of ideas, it is preferred that all speakers in any given special session have different affiliations, and we will not accept a special session in which more than two speakers have the same affiliation.  The other sessions will contain contributed talks accepted on the basis of submitted abstracts". See the program and event details »

  • Start date: 2017-07-04 17:00:00
  • End date: 2017-07-04 17:30:00
  • Venue: HEC Montréal 3000
    • Address: chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine Montréal, Montréal, Canada