AI in Fintech Forum

Please register at: Once registered you will receive an email with further details. This event is free of charge. The inaugural Artificial Intelligence in Fintech Forum at Stanford School of Engineering is sponsored by the Stanford Center for Financial and Risk Analytics, Stanford Institute for Computational & Mathematical Engineering (ICME), Stanford Management Science and Engineering, and White & Case. This event is organized by Kay Giesecke, Associate Professor of Management Science and Engineering and Director of the Stanford Center for Financial and Risk Analytics and CDAR Board Member, and Kapil Jain, Director of the Mathematical and Computational Finance Program in the Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering. The goals of this technical forum are: - To share latest technology advancements and research, - Discuss use cases, technical trends/challenges, and regulatory considerations, - Foster connections between industry and academia, and - Establish a model for ongoing technical dialog and partnerships Tentative Agenda: 8:30 Registration and Breakfast 8:45 Welcome by Kay Giesecke and Kapil Jain 9:00 Apaar Sadhwani, Google Brain 9:30 Ashish Goel, Stanford MS&E and Stripe (keynote seminar) 10:15 Coffee 10:30 Tech Panel: Jeff Bohn from State Street, Andres Villaquiran from Alkanza, Adam Coates from Baidu, and John Ashley from NVIDIA 11:15 Steve Jurvetson, DFJ (keynote interview by Kapil Jain and Kay Giesecke) 12:00 Posters and Lunch 1:00 Benjamin Saul, White & Case 1:30 Amir Khosrowshahi, Intel/Nervana (keynote seminar) 2:15 Gustavo Schwenkler, Boston University and SQIntel 2:45 Coffee 3:15 Timnit Gebru, Stanford AI Lab 3:45 Keith Rabois, Khosla Ventures and Opendoor (keynote interview by Joe Grundfest) 4:30 Business Panel: Angela Strange from Andreessen Horowitz, Loek Jansen from Nova Credit, Lori Sherer from Bain & Company, and Kevin Petrasic from White & Case 5:15 Reception 6:00 Finale The bios of the speakers at available at